Research requires money.
I thank the generosity of various funding bodies that have supported my research over the years.
Marie Curie reintegration grant | Understanding the interaction between timescales of single neurons, networks and the environment | 2014-2018 |
Israel Science Foundation
346/16 |
Towards a theory of trained recurrent neural networks | 2016-2020 |
Rappaport Institute | Calcium imaging of large neuronal populations in freely behaving animals for the study of hippocampal-based navigation and learning With Yoram Gutfreund, Shai Berlin and Dori Derdikman |
Israel Science Foundation
1442/21 |
Development of structure and function in trained recurrent neural networks | 2021-2025 |
Human Frontiers Science Program
RGP0017/2021 |
Memory: from material to mind
With Nathan Keim and Mathew Diamond |
2021-2024 |