Principal Investigator

Omri Barak
Omri earned his BSc in Math & Physics from the Technion, followed by MSc in Life Sciences and a PhD in computational neuroscience at the Weizmann Institute of Science, under the guidance of Misha Tsodyks. After a postdoc in Columbia University with Stefano Fusi and Larry Abbott, Omri joined the Technion's faculty of Medicine at 2012. Continue Reading Omri Barak

PhD students

Joint with Dori Derdikman Continue Reading Aviv Ratzon
MSc students

Tie Xu
PhD student

Oded Barzelay

Merav Stern

Amichai Labin

Alex Rivkind
PhD student
Projects and collaborations:
Naama Brenner
Ron Meir
Sandro Romani
Friedrich Schuessler
Ofer Binah